Plot multi-channel signal:
= NeuroAnalyzer.plot(eeg)
p plot_save(p, file_name="images/eeg_mch.png")
Plot single-channel, using time-points:
= NeuroAnalyzer.plot(eeg, ch=1, seg=(1+10*sr(eeg), 12*sr(eeg)))
p plot_save(p, file_name="images/eeg_ch1.png")
Plot multi-channel signal, mean ± 95CI:
= NeuroAnalyzer.plot(eeg, ch=3:4, type=:mean)
p plot_save(p, file_name="images/eeg_ch34avg.png")
Butterfly plot multi-channel signal:
= NeuroAnalyzer.plot(eeg, ch=1:4, type=:butterfly)
p plot_save(p, file_name="images/eeg_ch34bf.png")
You may also compare two signals, e.g. before and after filtering:
= import_edf("NEURO-testing-data/EDF/eeg-test-edf.edf");
eeg1 = NeuroAnalyzer.filter(eeg1, fprototype=:fir, ftype=:lp, cutoff=30)
eeg2 = NeuroAnalyzer.plot(eeg1, eeg2, ch=1:19)
p plot_save(p, file_name="images/plot_twosignals.png")
(!) The first signal (“before”) is drawn in black, the second (“after”) – in red.
Alternatively, interactive preview is also available:
iview(eeg1, eeg2, zoom=20)
(!) Defaut zoom
value is 5 seconds.
Keyboard shortcuts:
: go to the signal beginningctrl-s
: go to the signal endctrl-z
: go back by 1 secondsctrl-x
: go forward by 1 secondsctrl-c
: go back by zoom
: go forward by zoom
: slide channels upctrl-n
: slide channels downctrl-h
: show keyboard shortcutsctrl-q
: close window