NeuroTester: Finger Tapping Test (FTT)

Finger Tapping Test (FTT) is a simple neuropsychological test that examines motor functioning, specifically, motor speed and lateralized coordination.


The simplest way is to operate the test using computer keyboard space key.

To run FTT:

t = iftt(duration=10, trials=6, interval=5)

iftt() parameters are:

To analyze the test results, use:


fft() – Raspberry Pi via GPIO

It is also possible to use an external panel attached to Raspberry Pi GPIO pins. Reading pin must be provided by its GPIO number (e.g. GPIO 23 is RPi board pin 16). NeuroAnalyzer has to be installed and running on RPi (RPi 4 or higher is recommended due to limited amount of memory in lower models). pigpiod is required for running NeuroAnalyzer on RPi (sudo apt install pigpio-tools; sudo systemctl enable pigpiod; sudo systemctl start pigpiod).

ftt(duration=10, trials=6, interval=5, gpio=23)

(!) If ftt() is not running on RPi, keyboard SPACEBAR key is used.


NeuroRecorder: FTT
  Trials: 5
Duration: 5 [seconds]
Interval: 2 [seconds]
  Button: Button: RPi GPIO 23

Ready to start, press the BUTTON to begin the test

The test will start after a beep

   Trial 1: press the BUTTON as quickly as possible

Interval 1: DO NOT press the BUTTON

   Trial 2: press the BUTTON as quickly as possible

Interval 2: DO NOT press the BUTTON

   Trial 3: press the BUTTON as quickly as possible

Interval 3: DO NOT press the BUTTON

   Trial 4: press the BUTTON as quickly as possible

Interval 4: DO NOT press the BUTTON

   Trial 5: press the BUTTON as quickly as possible

Interval 5: DO NOT press the BUTTON

Testing completed

(!) If you want to use USB keyboard attached to RPi, please use ftt(gpio=-1) option to disable using GPIO.

(!) Running NeuroAnalyzer on RPi via ssh requires using virtual framebuffer:

DISPLAY=:0 xvfb-run -a -s '-screen 0 1024x768x24' julia

(!) The following error:

   Can't connect to pigpio at localhost:8888
   Did you start the pigpio daemon? E.g. sudo pigpiod
   Did you specify the correct Pi host/port in the environment
   E.g. export PIGPIO_ADDR=soft, export PIGPIO_PORT=8888
   Did you specify the correct Pi host/port in the
   Pi() function? E.g. Pi('soft', 8888))

indicates that pigpiod is not running, start it using sudo pigpiod in Julia shell (press ; to activate it).

fft() – Raspberry Pi/Arduino via serial port

Another option is to use an external panel attached to RPi Pico/Arduino (which is attached to a PC running NeuroAnalyzer via USB cable). RPi/Arduino is running a daemon reading data from GPIO pin and sending results via the serial port:

ftt(duration=10, trials=6, interval=5, port_name="/dev/ttyACM0", gpio=28)


NeuroRecorder: FTT
  Trials: 5
Duration: 5 [seconds]
Interval: 2 [seconds]
  Button: serial port /dev/ttyACM0 GPIO 28

Ready to start, press the BUTTON to begin the test

The test will start after a beep

   Trial 1: press the BUTTON as quickly as possible

Interval 1: DO NOT press the BUTTON

   Trial 2: press the BUTTON as quickly as possible

Interval 2: DO NOT press the BUTTON

   Trial 3: press the BUTTON as quickly as possible

Interval 3: DO NOT press the BUTTON

   Trial 4: press the BUTTON as quickly as possible

Interval 4: DO NOT press the BUTTON

   Trial 5: press the BUTTON as quickly as possible

Interval 5: DO NOT press the BUTTON

Testing completed

fft() – switch debouncing

To minimize switch bounce, one of these circuits may be used when attaching a push button to RPi:

Also, the daemon running on Raspberry Pico/Arduino minimizes switch bound.