Welcome to the
NeuroAnalyzer website
This is the home of NeuroAnalyzer.jl
documentation and tutorials.
NeuroAnalyzer is a Julia toolbox
for analyzing neurophysiological data. Currently it covers importing,
editing, processing, visualizing, and analyzing EEG, MEP and EDA data.
Preliminary functionality is also available for MEG, NIRS, ECoG, SEEG
and iEEG recordings.
Various methods for modeling non-invasive brain stimulation protocols
(tDCS/tACS/tRNS/tPCS/TMS/TUS/INS) will also be implemented (NeuroStim
submodule). Another submodule, NeuroTester, will allow designing and
running psychological studies. Certain neurophysiological data can be
recorded using NeuroRecorder submodule.
NeuroAnalyzer contains a set of separate (high- and low-level)
functions. Some interactive graphical user interface (GUI) functions are
also available. NeuroAnalyzer functions can be combined into an analysis
pipeline, i.e. a Julia script containing all steps of your analysis.
This, combined with processing power of Julia language and easiness of
distributing calculations across computing cluster, will make
NeuroAnalyzer particularly useful for processing large amounts of
neurophysiological data.
NeuroAnalyzer is a collaborative, non-commercial project, developed
for researchers in psychiatry, neurology and neuroscience.
NeuroAnalyzer repository is located at Codeberg AdamWysokinski/NeuroAnalyzer.jl
and mirrored at Github JuliaHealth/Neuroanalyzer.jl.
This software is licensed under The 2-Clause BSD
How to cite
DOIs for specific version numbers are provided by Zenodo.
To cite the current version, use:
author = {Adam Wysokiński},
title = {NeuroAnalyzer},
year = 2024,
publisher = {Zenodo},
version = {0.24.7},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.7372648},
url = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7372648}
Version numbers are: 0.yy.m (yy: last two digits of the year, m:
number of the month). Stable versions are released at the beginning of
the month indicated in the version number.
What you can do with
Currently NeuroAnalyzer is focused on resting-state analysis. Some
ERP functions are already available, while other type of analyses will
be developed in future versions. The goal is to make a powerful,
expandable and flexible environment for processing neurophysiological
- Load neurophysiological recordings:
- EEG (EDF, EDF+, BDF, BDF+, GDF, Alice4, DigiTrack, BrainVision, CSV,
EEGLAB, NPY, Thymatron, NCS, CNT, XDF)
- MEP (DuoMAG)
- body sensors: acceleration, magnetic field, angular velocity and
- electrode positions (CED, LOCS, ELC, TSV, SFP, CSD, GEO, MAT, TXT,
- Edit:
- edit channel data (unit, type, label)
- edit location data (electrode location)
- trim (remove part of the signal)
- resample (up/down)
- divide into epochs (fixed and by event markers)
- delete channels/epochs
- auto-detect bad channels/epochs
- interpolate channels (planar interpolation/linear regression)
- Process:
- reference (common/averaged/auricular/mastoid/Laplacian/custom
- filter (FIR/IIR/Remez/moving average/moving median/polynomial
filters), all types (HP, LP, BP, BS); with preview of filter
- remove power line noise
- auto-detect and remove electrode pops
- ICA decompose/reconstruct
- convolution (in time and frequency domain)
- create ERP (event-related potentials)
- NIRS: convert raw light intensity to optical density and HbO/HbR/HbT
- Analyze:
- signal comparison
- stationarity
- frequency analysis: total power, band power (absolute and
- auto- and cross- covariance and correlation (biased and
- time-frequency analysis: various spectrogram methods (FFT-based,
short-time Fourier transform, multi-tapered periodogram, Morlet wavelet
convolution, Gaussian and Hilbert transform, continuous wavelet
- coherence and magnitude-squared coherence
- mutual information
- entropy, negentropy
- envelopes (amplitude, power, spectrogram)
- power spectrum slope
- ERP: detect peaks, analyze amplitude and average amplitude
- EROs (event-related oscillations): spectrogram, power spectrum
- HRV (heart rate variability): time-domain analysis (MENN, MDNN, VNN,
SDNN, RMSSD, SDSD, NN50, pNN50, NN20, pNN20)
- MEPs: detect peaks, analyze amplitude and average amplitude
- Plot:
- signal (single-/multi-channel)
- power spectrum (single-/multi-channel, 2D/3D)
- spectrogram (single-/multi-channel)
- topographical maps
- weights at channel locations
- inter-channel connections
- matrices (channel × channel)
- channel/epoch data (histogram/bar plot/dot plot/box plot/violin
plot/polar plot/paired data)
- ERPs: amplitude, topographical distribution
- EROs: spectrogram, power spectrum
- MEPs: amplitude
- interactive plots (amplitude, signal, spectrum, spectrogram, ICA,
topographical map, channel details)
All computations are performed using the double-precision 64-bit
floating point format. NeuroAnalyzer data is stored using standard Julia
Array and can be easily exported as DataFrame. Thus, external processing
of those data using Julia packages is readily available.
NeuroAnalyzer also includes NeuroRecorder, a set of functions for
recording various neurophysiological signals:
- Finger Tapping Test (FTT) – using computer keyboard
or external panel attached to Raspberry Pi
- Two-point Pinch Test (TPT) – using finger-worn
accelerator attached to Raspberry Pi
- Electrodermal Activity (EDA) = Galvanic Skin
Response (GSR) – via Raspberry Pi
- Angular Velocity Sensors (AVS) – via Raspberry
Why Julia?
There are many excellent MATLAB and Python based EEG/MEG/NIRS
software (e.g. EEGLAB, Fieldtrip, Brainstorm, MNE). They have been
developed for many years and are well established in the scientific
community. Many state-of-the-art papers were published using data
prepared using these programs.
However, compared with Python and MATLAB, there are many advantages
of Julia, which underlie my decision to start developing such a toolbox
in Julia.
I believe that Julia
is the future of scientific computing and scientific data
analysis. Major advantages of Julia are listed in Julia documentation.
- Julia is fast.
In many situations Julia is considerably faster than Python
(without having to use numba/cython) and MATLAB. Moreover, Julia
provides unlimited scalability. Julia programs can easily be ran on a
large cluster or across distributed computers.
- Julia is open-source and free. Increasing MATLAB licensing costs are
prohibitive to individual researchers and many research
- From its very beginning Julia is being focused on scientific
computations. Currently only Julia, C, C++ and Fortran belong to the HPC
(High Performance Computing) Petaflop
Club. Julia is designed for distributed and parallel computations,
making it great for distributed analyzes of large data sets.
- Most of the Julia packages are written in pure Julia. It’s easier to
understand and modify their code if you already know Julia.
- Julia is beautifully designed, making programming in Julia a pure
pleasure. This elegant design makes Julia easy to read and write.
Benchmarks against MNE and EEGLAB are available here.
What’s new
Changelog and commit details are here.
What’s next
This roadmap of the future developments of
NeuroAnalyzer is neither complete, nor in any particular order. You are
encouraged to add new functions required for your study. You may also
submit a feature request using Codeberg NeuroAnalyzer.jl
repository page.
Hardware and software
See https://neuroanalyzer.org/requirements.html
for more details.
Documentation is available in the following formats:
Known bugs
List of know, reported and fixed bugs is here.
If you are new to Julia, please take a look at some resources for Getting Started
with Julia.
Quickstart: add NeuroAnalyzer from the Pkg
REPL: pkg> add NeuroAnalyzer
In Julia REPL, each NeuroAnalyzer function documentation is available
via ?<function_name>
, e.g. ?plot_psd
Since some function names are exported by other packages
(e.g. plot
by the Plots package), their use must be
qualified: NeuroAnalyzer.plot()
Glossary of terms specific for NeuroAnalyzer is here.
- Using NeuroAnalyzer
- Download and installation
- Generating and using sysimage
- General remarks
- Preferences
- Plugins
- Load data and electrode positions
- Load/save/import/export data
- Load/edit/preview electrode
- Edit
- Edit (1): copy, view/edit meta-data,
view properties/history
- Edit (2): edit channels/epochs, using
- Edit (3): bad channels/epochs:
detect/trim signal/remove bad epochs/interpolate channels
- Edit (4): resample, virtual channels,
band frequencies, picks, clusters, applying formula
- Process
- Process (1): reference
(common/averaged/auricular/mastoid/Laplacian/custom montage)
- Process (2): filtering
(FIR/IIR/Remez/moving average/moving median/polynomial/convolution)
- Process (3): demean, normalize, taper,
convolution, PCA
- Process (4): remove electrode pops
- Process (5): ICA
- Process (6): interpolate bad
- Analyze
- Analyze (1): components
- Analyze (2)
- Analyze (3): segments
- Analyze (4): coherence
- Plot
- Plot (1): plot multi-/single-channel
signal, compare two signals
- Plot (2): plot frequency analysis (PSD:
single-/multi-channel, Welch’s periodogram/multi-tapered/Morlet wavelet,
- Plot (3): plot spectrogram
(single-/multi-channel, regular/STFT/Morlet wavelet)
- Plot (4): complex/tiled plots
- Plot (5): filter response
- Plot (6): band powers
- Plot (7):
- Plot (8): topographical maps
- Plot (9): interactive preview and
- Statistic
- Statistics (1): bootstrapping
- Misc
- Pipelines
- Study
- Calculate and plot PSD slope
- Stationarity
- Remove power line noise
- Animate
- MEPs
- ERPs
- ECoG
The list of available plugins is here.
Please let us know if you would like to add your plugin to the
Every contribution (bug reports, fixes, new ideas, feature requests
or additions, documentation improvements, etc.) to the project is highly
Bugs, suggestions and questions should be reported using the Codeberg
(preferred method) or Github JuliaHealth/NeuroAnalyzer.jl
issues page.
You may also follow NeuroAnalyzer on Mastodon.
NeuroAnalyzer forum is located here.
Mailing list
Only people who are subscribed to the discussion list will be able to
receive and post messages.
To subscribe to the NeuroAnalyzer mailing list, please send an empty
email to [email protected]
or register here.
To unsubscribe, send an empty email to [email protected]
or use the form here.
To send a message to the list, send an email to [email protected].
All messages are moderated for appropriateness. Messages that are not be
related to NeuroAnalyzer/EEG/MEG/NIRS/NIBS, contain commercial
advertisements or personal attacks and messages with attachments will be
withhold from the list.
Mailing list archive is located here.
NeuroAnalyzer Discord forum is located here.
List of publications
using NeuroAnalyzer
- Wysokiński A, Szczepocka E, Szczakowska A. Improved cognitive
performance, increased theta, alpha, beta and decreased delta powers
after cognitive rehabilitation augmented with tDCS in a patient with
post-COVID-19 cognitive impairment (brain-fog). Psychiatry Research Case
Reports. 2023 DOI: 10.1016/j.psycr.2023.100164
- Sochal M. et al. The relationship between sleep quality measured by
polysomnography and selected neurotrophic factors. Journal of Clinical
Medicine. 2024 DOI: 10.3390/jcm13030893
If you have used NeuroAnalyzer in your research, you are kindly asked
to report the
reference to your paper.
Financial support
If you would like to support the project financially, we have the
Liberapay account:
This website is maintained by Adam Wysokiński